Selectboard Meeting
May 2, 2011
6:00 pm
Town Office
I. Approval of previous meeting minutes
II. Old Business
A. URIP Summer Roads Money
B. Army Corps of Engineers – Moorings/Harbor Dredging
III. New Business
A. Ferry Pier Generator
B. Town Report Final Review and Approval
IV. Administrative
A. Warrant
B. Mail
V. Other Business
A. Town Administration – delineation of duties workshop
VI. Date and time of next meetings- 5/20
Assessors Meeting Immediately Following
Selectboard Meeting
April 22, 2011
3:00 pm
Town Office
I. Approval of previous meeting minutes
II. Old Business
A. URIP Summer Roads Money
B. Ferry Pier Road Maintenance – update
C. Army Corps of Engineers – Moorings/Harbor Dredging
D. MSFS Ferry Schedule Proposal
E. Gooseberry Road Culvert
III. New Business
A. Town Report Draft Review
B. URIP Summer Roads Money
IV. Administrative
A. Warrant
B. Mail
V. Other Business
VI. Date and time of next meetings- 5/2 (Monday)
Selectboard Meeting Agenda
Friday April 8, 2011
Town Office
I. Approval of previous meeting minutes
II. Old Business
A. Annual Town meeting Warrant items workshop
B. Ferry Pier Road Maintenance – update
III. New Business
A. URIP Summer Roads Money
B. Admin Assist Job Hire timeline
IV. Administrative
A. Warrant
B. Mail
V. Other Business
A. Excise Tax Report/ collection
B. Treasurers Receipt
VI. Date and time of next meetings- 4/22
Assessor’s meeting immediately following
Selectboard Meeting
March 23, 2011
4:00 pm
Town Office
I. Approval of previous meeting minutes
II. Old Business
A. 2011-2012 Budget Finalization
III. New Business
A. Date of Town Meeting – Final Selection
IV. Administrative
A. Warrant
B. Mail-
V. Other Business
VI. Date and time of next meetings- 4/8
Assessor’s meeting immediately following
Merry Terry, Chris Wolff and Shey Conover from the island institute are coming out to the island tomorrow to talk with the community about current programs they offer and ideas for future programs. Some of the current projects include small business loans, grants, and future fellow placement projects to name a few. They are also very interested in hearing from the island on project ideas you have and ways the Island Institute can better serve the community. This is the perfect opportunity to talk face to face and share your ideas.
The meeting will be held in the community building.
Tuesday (tomorrow) March 15, 2011
There will be snacks and other goodies.
Fire Dept. Meeting Today 3:30pm in the Town Office to look over proposed budget for next year.
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Offical Site for the Town of Frenchboro, Maine