Category Archives: Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Select Board Meeting Minutes 12-13-2011
Select Board Meeting Minutes 11-29-2011
Special Select Board Meeting Minutes 11-20-2011
Special Town Meeting Minutes 11-15-2011
To Be Posted Soon
Select Board Meeting Minutes 11-15-2011
Select board Meeting Minutes 10-11-2011
Approved 10-25-2011 Selectboard Meeting Minutes
October 11, 2011
Submitted By:
Rebecca Lenfestey, Admin. Assistant
October 25, 2011
Call To Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:10pm on Tuesday October 11, 2011 by serving chair person Pat McEachron. Select board members Pat McEachron, Robert Roxby, Duncan Bond, and David W. Lunt were in attendance. Administrative Assistant Rebecca Lenfestey, Town Administrator Micheal Colleran via Skype and 2 members of the public were also present.
Review and acceptance of minutes from Selectboard Meeting from September 26th 2011 RR 1st, DB 2nd. Unanimous Approval
II- Old Business
- Selectboard Projects-
- PM has contacted Berzinis to do repairs & work to the float and storage area. Berzinis has not set a definite date for repair. PM will contact again to make the arrangements.
- PM, DB, and DWL are researching the Town Boundaries. DWL has talked with abutting land owner Ross Giamo to give additional information on boundaries. Board members PM, DB, and DWL will continue work on the parking area possibilities.
- RS and MC have been researching the details and specifics on the CDBG grants and the Shore and Harbor Technical Assistance Program. MC reports that the CDBG program for well and septic replacement would be beneficial to the town. There are no matching funds required, the only requirements are based on income. MC will send an email to the community members and seek interested applicants. The deadline will be February of 2012. If there is enough response from Frenchboro Community the Board and MC will submit request for Town Of Frenchboro to be included in this community grant. Action Required in February to respond to HCPC with interest.
- MC reported details on the Shore and Harbor Techinical Assistance Program. MC will continue work on this with help from the Select Board determining a project that meets the guidelines and that would be beneficial to the town. PM to work on details regarding asking for a professional draft cost estimate of the repairs to the Town Dock. This prep work is important and will help the Town Of Frenchboro as it continues efforts to apply and qualify for the “SHIP” Grant. The board will also report back next meeting if there are any other projects that may be worthwhile that would qualify under this grant as well.
- RL and DB continue to work toward a walk through on the rental house of Ben Hopkins.
- RR reports the new generator trailer is here. Robert Roxby would like to Thank Paul Charpentier and Dave McEachron for their help in the set up and transfer of the generator to the new trailer. RR reports it is charged and working. Board discussed having the generator available during the power outage scheduled on October 19th 2011 for the use of both ferry trips to operate the ramp. RR will head this and make sure it is working.
- MC reports his research efforts regarding the Board Of Appeals Ordinance. MC has submitted a draft ordinance to the selectboard for review. The board has taken time to review the Ordinance. The board discussed with MC the draft, and MC reports that the Town Of Frenchboro is covered in the Land Use Ordinance Document and this additional ordinance is optional. Board discussed that the Town Of Frenchboro should consider continuing with the Comprehensive Plan for the Town, so that the town is better protected. Consensuses that the Comprehensive Plan is a Priority. Consensus that the Board of Selectmen will not continue forward with Board Of Appeals Ordinance at this time because the town is covered in the Land Use Ordinance.
At this point in time PM reports that Donna Weigle the Frenchboro Health Officer is no longer serving as Health Officer. Donna has had many things come up including recent surgery and doesn’t feel she can serve Frenchboro at this time. PM and MC report that state regulations state in the event of a vacancy in this position the Select Board Chair is to serve as Health Officer. Board discussed other options and PM will contact previous Health Officer Julian Kuffler to ask if he still has an interest in serving the Town of Frenchboro since he has in the past and has also completed all necessary training.
PM also reports discussions trying to fill the position of Code Enforcement Officer. PM has been in touch with Kim Keene and she may have an interest in serving the Town Of Frenchboro. PM will continue to try Kim Keene and report back to the Board.
- Contract for Public Bathrooms
- The Board Reviewed the drafted contract for the cleaning of the Public Bathrooms. MC has been in touch with Joey Charpentier who has been doing the cleaning. The board discussed the ending period of the contract and whether or not it should be extended through the Labor Day Weekend to accommodate boat traffic through that weekend. The board also would like to clarify if the end cleaning date includes shutting down of the bathrooms and draining the water for winter. PM will contact Paul Charpentier to confirm answers. Consensus to revisit this subject at next select board meeting.
- Grants (CDBG & Shore and Harbor Technical Assistance)
- The discussion of this is under Selectboard Projects.
- Town Wharf Parking
- The select board is still working on this. Boundary lines need to be found and options need to be explored. PM, DB, and DWL will continue work on this.
- New Business
A- Snow Plow Contract
- The select board had one verbal inquiry from Jay Desjardin. The board has received no formal bids or requests for more information regarding the contract. Board consensus to extend bids until next meeting October 25 at 6pm. RL to send notice to Town Residents and Re-post at the Community Building.
B- Board Of Appeals Ordinance
- The selectboard discussed the Draft from MC. DB motion to hold off on the updated ordinance until the Comprehensive Plan is done. Consensus.
A- Warrant presented and signed. Tax Collector Report and Treasurer’s Reciepts received and accepted. RR 1st, and DB 2nd. Unanimous. The Board was also provided with an updated General Ledger from Treasurer Rachel Bishop. It is in the filing cabinet under Selectboard files General Ledger.
B- MAIL- The selectboard reviewed mail.
A- The Selecboard was sent a form from the State of Maine requesting a contact person on island for DHHS. The Board Of Selectmen will act as contact person with Town mailing address, town email address, and town office number as contact info.
B- Board received Hancock County Proposed Budget 2012. Filed.
C- State of Maine Board of Property Tax review, given to Assessors.
D- 2011 Municipal Property Tax Levy Limit Survey form given to Assessors. RR to fill out and return.
E- National Flood Insurance Program requires immediate response within 30 days. MC will work on this.
F- Census Survey request. They will be sending paperwork, when it comes in MC will fill out and return.
G- Maine Municipal Directory 2011-2012 filed on shelf.
H- MMA Worker’s Comp Fund Dividend received.
I- MMA Worker’s Comp application needs to be filled out and returned by October 17th 2011. MC will get documents needed from Treasurer, RB, and a copy of previous year document to use as example from RL.
J- PM reports that the current acting Health Officer Donna Wiegle was sent an anonymous Health complaint. The board of selectmen policy is not to act on anonymous complaints, but PM reports that she was told in the event of a health issue the board should respond. The board discussed the alleged complaint against resident Monte Smart for having no septic or well. DB agreed to speak with Monte Smart about the issue and report back to the board at next meeting.
K- The board has also had a FOAA information request. MC is handling the communication and RL is researching the documents.
- A request from Treasurer was made to select board to approve expenditures and reimbursements at a public meeting and to include them on the following warrant. This assures the board they have agreed to expend the funds before distribution. Consensus.
- Island Wide Power Outage scheduled for Wed. October 19th from 8:30-4. RR will run the generator so that the ferry will be able to operate for both trips.
- The Treasurer RB shared concern about the Mail Association Checking Account. The funds over the past year or longer have been very tight with income to expenditure ratio. The account faced over draft fees on the last statement because of timing of payments. The board needs to discuss with the Treasurer and Postal Employees possible solutions. Select board to research and report back at next meeting.
- The select board faces a deficit of $2,000.00 in administrative salaries due to a cut in the budget at Town Meeting. The select board will discuss with RB, Treasurer possible solutions to address the deficit.
- The Select Board now has a town Credit Card in the name of Treasurer Rachel Bishop. The board discussed protocol for purchases on the credit card. All purchases will still require a preapproval by a minimum of 3 select board members. If town employees need the use of it, they need approval on a warrant through the Treasurer and the Select board.
- RL reports that the Fire Department has applied for Credit with Napa Auto Parts for purchasing of needed materials they can offer. Consensus from board to approve. RL reports she had to purchase 2 batteries for the brush truck, at a cost of $238.00, charged to the Napa Account. Consensus to approve expenditure for Fire Department maintenance account.
- Select Board received a letter from Tammy Desjardin Tax Collector regarding Vehicle registrations. Letter was read. Board will have RL send an email from the Town Account explaining the loss of revenue the town faces by registering elsewhere, and that Tammy Desjardin is willing to accommodate residents for registrations. RL will meet with TD at her office hours to get input on the wording of the email. TD also made reference to Island Vehicle registrations and MC will research this and report back to the board at the next meeting.
IX- Adjourned.-
Motion to adjourn at 8 pm. Next Meeting October 25, 2011
Assessors Meeting needs to be scheduled. TBA
Select Board Meeting Minutes 9-26-2011
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
September 26, 2011
Submitted By:
Rebecca Lenfestey, Admin. Assistant
October 11, 2011
Call To Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:05pm on Monday September 26, 2011 by serving chair person Robert Stuart. Select board members Pat McEachron, Robert Roxby, Duncan Bond, David W. Lunt and Robert Stuart were in attendance. Administrative Assistant Rebecca Lenfestey, Town Administrator Micheal Colleran via Skype and 7 members of the public were also present.
Review and acceptance of minutes from Selectboard Meeting from September 12th 2011 DB 1st, RR 2nd. Unanimous Approval
Open Town Positions are currently all filled, but RL reminds board that at least two of those positions are in the short term and the Board still needs to think about resolutions for near future.
II- Old Business
Selectboard Projects-
A- PM has contacted Harbor Committee chair Brian Coffay to request a Harbor committee meeting to discuss necessary repairs to float storage area belonging to Mrs. Neilson. PM reports Arthur Fernald Harbor Master, Paul Charpentier, and Dave McEachron will look at the project.
B- DB reports on the Church Meeting regarding Land Issues and DB reports the church does not see the land issue as a problem at this time. The School Children sign a waiver every year and that should cover any issues that arise. DB will check with School Board to confirm this. PM asks board if they should contact MMA about liability, Board Consensus is that it is not an issue.
C- RL and DB continue to work toward a walk through on the rental house of Ben Hopkins. RL reports the agreement between the Town and Ben states all propane and fuel accounts to remain full.
D- RR reports the new generator trailer is here. Ownership documents were given to RL and are in Town files. RR and board to schedule a maintenance day and change the generator to the new trailer. RL reports from the Fire Department to relocate the current new trailer as it is parked in front of fire bay door.
E- MC reports his research efforts regarding the Board Of Appeals Ordinance. MC has submitted a draft ordinance to the selectboard for review. The board will discuss the ordinance at the next select board meeting on October 11th. Consensuses.
F- Board also discussed RR and DWL to work with Swan’s Island Electric Company to discuss repairs and easier set up of the Generator.
G- RR reports Hazardous Waste Collection Day done. RR thanks the Lenfestey’s for their participation and the use of their truck.
H- RL reports that for the purpose of Life Flight the town needs to at least leave a small access spot clear of snow to enter and use the ball field for emergency landings.
I- Rachel has applied for a Town of Frenchboro Credit Card as Treasurer for the purpose of purchasing items that require a credit card without town officials having to use their own personal credit cards for those purchases.
J- The Select board accepts a donation of $300.00 from the Corely/Massman family to go toward the Municipal Building repairs.
III- Contract for Town Administrator
- Board Reviewed the Town Administrator Contract for Michael Colleran. Motion to accept and sign contract. RR 1st, DWL 2nd. Unanimous.
IV- Contract for Public Bathroom
- MC reports that the contract is written but would like to hold off generating the contract until he has a discussion with current contract holder Joey Charpentier. Consensus to wait until next meeting.
V- New Business
A- Fire Department Fire Truck Purchase and Grant Details.
RL reports that communication between her and STKF state that the grant money should be used within the year on a truck and the remaining money should go to protect the community immediately. With that information the Fire Department is to receive the gifted truck from the Town Of Tremont and to Purchase a used truck that is in very good shape that meets standards and has had all current tests. With the left over grant money it will be used for additional equipment and for the construction of a dry hydrant to be placed at the fire pond. Consensus for Fire Department to Pursue.
B- Snow Plow Contract
The Town of Frenchboro has received a resignation letter from Travis Lunt the current snow plow removal contract holder. PM motion to accept the resignation, DB 2nd. Unanimous. The Board expresses gratitude for the time and help from Travis.
Select Board consensus to write and post an Invitation to Bid for the Snow Plow contract for 2011-2012 or longer. The deadline for bids will be October 11th at 6pm at the start of the select board meeting.
C- The select board needs to take some time and draft a list of tasks that need to be worked on over the course of the winter. So far the list will include Comprehensive Planning, and Appeals Process.
A- Warrant presented and signed.
B- MAIL- The selectboard reviewed mail.
A- Consensus from Board to send Michael Colleran more materials on CDBG grant guidelines to research if Frenchboro would qualify. Also, board consensus to send MC materials from Maine State Planning Office regarding grants for Shore and Harbor Technical Assistance Grants.
B- PM reports that the new Health Officer has filed a report and has sent a copy to her. PM will bring the document to the select board for the next meeting.
A- Town Parking Lot Agreement
DB and PM report on a meeting that took place with the current land owners regarding the parking agreement. DB reports that if it is a contract exchange of services for the town to maintain the lot and pave the lot for the use of five wharf parking spaces. The owners disagree with DB stating it is not a current contract, and David Lunt provides the Select board with a signed document to cease the agreement. The board discussed options and agrees there is a need for parking at the town wharf. The select board will continue efforts to research options for town parking. PM will request a copy of a survey, and will locate specific deeds and boundaries. RS will continue discussion around the idea of developing something at the ferry pier for parking. DWL will identify the town land and the boundaries.
Consensus is that the board will not take legal action to enforce the document signed in 1993.
IX- Adjourned.-
Motion to adjourn at 7:40 pm. Next Meeting October 11, 2011
Assessors Meetings will be scheduled for October 3, 2011 and October 4, 2011
from 3-5 pm
Selectboard Meeting Minutes August 15 2011
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
August 15, 2011
Submitted By:
Rebecca Lenfestey, Admin. Assistant
August 29, 2011
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm on Monday August 15, 2011 by serving Chairperson Robert Stuart. Selectboard members David W. Lunt, Pat McEachron, Robert Roxby, Robert Stuart and Duncan Bond were in attendance. Administrative Assistant Rebecca Lenfestey and Jessica Bellah Island Fellow were in attendance. 6 members of the public were also present.
- Review and acceptance of minutes from Selectboard meeting from August 1, 2011. PM moves to accept with few grammar corrections. DWL second. Unan. Approval. PM recommends for the future we accept minutes even with a few grammatical errors as long as content is not altered.
- Old Business
- Selectboard Action Items:
- i. Hole at the ferry pier- DB and RR temporarily provided solution. ROS contacted MDOT to express immediate need.
- ii. Trimming Of Trees- DB and DWL have trimmed trees.
- iii. TDS Bundle- PM will review for next meeting.
- iv. Ferry Pier Generator- RR ongoing work to purchase and deliver to Frenchboro.
- Town Positions –
- i. Town Clerk – Board discusses potential candidates and PM will contact State Of Maine Town Clerk’s Association for guidance.
- ii. Animal Control Officer/Health Officer – PM has spoken with Jerry Michaud (Tremont Animal Control Officer) who has agreed to be our on call Animal Control Officer. PM has also spoken with Donna Wiegle (Swan’s Island Health Officer) who has agreed to a 3 month term while the Selectboard finds someone.
- iii. Code Enforcement Officer- ROS spoke with Lyle Dever who is willing to continue Code Enforcement Officer in the short term. PM will contact Tremont Town Manager to discuss potential partnership with them on this position.
- Freedom of Access Act Training – RAL reminds Board that they need to go through the training and turn in certificates of completion. Waiting on DWL and ROS.
- Community Building Improvements- PM contacted the Municipal Committee and they agreed to have DB do repairs to the building. DB will prepare an estimate and arrange volunteers for completion. ROS wants to reaffirm the responsibility and the importance of active committees in the town.
- Fire Department Grant Details-Board reviews grant guidelines. DB makes motion to accept funds PM second. Unanimous. Approved. PM moves that the funds be placed in a Special Operation Account for Purpose of The Fire Truck to be set up by Treasurer Rachel Bishop, DB Second. Unanimous. Approved.
- MCHT Deeds & Letter- Board Reviewed Deeds from MCHT on Town Acquired Property. RR motion to accept deeds as written, DB Second. Unanimous. Approved. RAL and ROS will draft letter to send MCHT to be approved at next meeting.
- New Business
- Snow Plow Meeting With School- Board decided ROS will attend the next school board meeting scheduled for August 29th at 3pm to discuss snow plow contract. ROS will ask Travis Lunt snow plow contract holder to also attend the meeting. ROS will remind Travis Lunt to fix damage to Municipal Building.
- RAL reminds Board of the request from Treasurer Rachel Bishop to determine where to cut $2,000.00 from administrative salaries. Board reached consensus to wait for after Town Administrator is hired.
- Board Reviews Fiscal Sponsor Agreement. RAL and JB will present final draft for signature next meeting.
- Administrative
- Warrant- Signed
- Mail-
- i. PM has reviewed Aquaculture report and does not believe any action needs to be done. Board agrees by consensus.
- ii. Town receives Hazardous Waste Collection announcement from Acadia Disposal District. RR volunteers to organize.
- iii. Board received a letter from town resident Donna Hasal. Board acknowledges receipt of letter.
- iv. Board has reviewed the letter from Dean Lunt. Board will review contents of letter against documents currently in possession of school board on church land ownership. ROS stated the Town Auditors and Insurances have operated with the understanding that the Town does not own this property. RR states his opinion that any individual wishing to challenge the land ownership issue would be personally and financially responsible for hiring a lawyer. PM feels the town should receive a legal opinion once all data is reviewed. Board reaches consensus to move forward once all data is gathered. ROS will attend school board meeting on August 29, 2011 to see documents and report back to selectboard
- v. Selectboard accepts the funds from Fire Department Tie Dye Fund Raiser in the amount of $173.00. RR 1st, DB sec. Unanimous.
- vi. Selectboard to accept SWC funds from trash to treasure table in the amount of $234.00 to be placed in the recycle income account rather than general solid waste budget. ROS accepts as a motion PM sec. Unanimous.
- Other Business
- Brian Coffay reports on progress of Harbor Committee and Harbor Ordinance Sub Committee.
- i. Board discusses Town mooring placement and indicates BC that space should be set aside for town mooring. ROS states that the mooring has disappeared and that previously an understanding existed between the Town and Lunt & Lunt on the maintenance and upkeep of this mooring.
- Selectboard will have town office training with JB on Monday August 29th at 2 pm.
- Board reviews Treasurer’s Receipt, Excise Tax Collector. PM moves to accept all as submitted. RR 2nd. Unan. Approval.
Board moves to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters related to the hiring of the Town Administrator position at 7:53 pm. Board comes out of executive session at 8:05 pm.
- Adjourned- motion to adjourn 8:10 pm Next Meeting: 8/29, 9/12, 9/26