Category Archives: Town News

News about the Town of Frenchboro

December 2019 Events

Upcoming Frenchboro Events:

December 14th @ 5:00pm in the church parish hall will be the Christmas pot luck! Bring a dish to share. There will be a Christmas cookie decorating station!

December 20th- time TBA- Will be the Christmas service by Douglas from Seacoast Mission. Presents for the children from the wonderful sunbeam crew will be handed out at this event.

Special Town Meeting Wednesday October 23, 2013 6:30pm

Signed Copy Available at Frenchboro Town Office & Frenchboro Library-  Signed warrant to be available soon online.

Special Town Meeting Warrant


                    The Warrant

Town Meeting of Frenchboro

    October 23, 2013


State Of Maine

Hancock County, ss


To Myron C. Lenfestey Jr., in the Town of Frenchboro, in the county of Hancock, State of Maine



In the State of Maine you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of Frenchboro, in the said County qualified by the law to vote in said affairs, to meet in said town at the Municipal Building , on the day of October 23, 2013 at 6:30 in the evening to act on the following articles, to wit:


Articles to Elect Town Officials


Article 1    To choose one moderator to preside at said meeting.


    Written Ballot Required


Article 2    To choose one selectboard/assessor/overseer of the poor for the remainder of the term expiring at the next Annual Town Meeting.  Pat McEachron has resigned.


    Written Ballot Required

The Select Board gives notice that they and the Registrar of Voters will be in session at 6pm on said day for the purpose of receiving and correcting the list of voters.


Dated: October 15, 2013                Select Board, Town of Frenchboro:


                            Zachary Lunt



                            Ann Fernald


A true copy of the warrant,


Brianna Gamester

Town Clerk



                        Return on the Warrant

Frenchboro,Maine,October 15, 2013

Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed, I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said town, qualified as herein expressed, to meet at said time and place, and for the purposes therein named, by posting an attested copy of said warrant at the Municipal Building and Library in said town, being public and conspicuous places in said town on the 15th day of October, 2013, being at least seven days before the meeting.


                            Myron C. Lenfestey, Jr.

                            Resident of Frenchboro


Invitation to Bid on Town Mooring

The town of Frenchboro currently has a town owned mooring to be placed up for sealed bids to the highest bidder.  There is a large cost with maintaining, insuring, and such with a mooring and the board has chosen to place this up for bid.

The mooring has not been viewed by the board, it is for sale on an “as is” purchase and it will need to be relocated immediately.

Sealed bids are to be mailed to Attn: Rebecca Lenfestey 1 Executive Drive, Frenchboro, Maine 04635

Please enclose your name, contact information, and bid that you are willing to pay.   The town is looking to move quickly on this sale so please respond soon.

All bids are due to the Frenchboro Town Office no later than 6pm Monday October 7, 2013.
