Select Board Agenda 11-15-2011


Selectboard Meeting


November 15, 2011

6:00 pm

Town Office

I.  Approval of previous meeting minutes


II. Old Business

  1. Project Updates
  2.  Town Positions – Code Enforcement Officer
  3. Contract for Public Bathrooms
  4. Grants (CDBG & Shore and Harbor Technical Assistance Program)
  5. Town Wharf Parking
  6. Mail Association Banking
  7. Flood Insurance Program Update


III. New Business

  1.  Snow Plow Bids 2011-2012
  2. Fire Department Requests

IV. Administrative

A.    Warrant

B.     Mail

V.  Other Business




VI. Date and time of next meetings-                  Tuesday November 29, 2011

Assessors Meeting Immediately Following- Finalize documents for Tax Bills and notify Tax Collector when they will be ready to send out.